V4 Shoulder Fix

V4, or Victoria V4, is a DAZ 3D base model. Victoria is the most used model in the Poser universe. Victoria is actually on Version 4.2 and starting with this version Aiko V4 was introduced to work on top of the Victoria V4.2 base.

But, as advanced as V4 is, she is still suffering from the dreaded shoulder problem. I think that DAZ 3D didn't fix the shoulders in V4.2 so as to keep her compatible with the ton of sleeve clothing out there for her, but this is just speculation on my part.

Since December of 2008, we've had a free fix for the shoulders from Will Dupre & MAB and now we also have a $5 fix from CorVas: !SimpleDetails!V4LITE.

Here are two demo renders I did with Victoria V4.2 with both fixes applied.

Figure 1: Shoulder Fix with CorVas's injections. Figure 2: Shoulder Fixed With Will Dupre's Freebie Injections.
Figure 1: Shoulder Fix with
CorVas's injections.
Figure 2: Shoulder Fix with
Will Dupre's freebie injections.

Here are two demo renders, of the front and back sides of Victoria V4, done by CorVas, comparing both products fixes.

Figure 3: Front shoulder comparisons done by CorVas. Figure 4: Back shoulder comparisons done by CorVas.
Figure 3: Front shoulder comparisons done by CorVas. Figure 4: Back shoulder comparisons done by CorVas.

As you can tell by my demonstrations, Figures 1 & 2, the differences are not that great. How well one does as compared to the other will depend on the pose of the figure.

There are certain things you need to know. For the Dupre's fix you will have to apply the second step in the installation:

2 In that runtime navigate to the Libraries/!DAZ folder and double click on the DzCreateExPFiles-V4.bat file for PC users or the DzCreateExPFiles-V4.Command file for Mac users.

I noticed that some posters on the Daz 3D forums complained the fix wasn't working. That's because they didn't read the instructions and thought this was just a normal installation without any further steps.

These shoulder fixes will not be compatible with sleeve based clothing. You might have some luck with a few poses with sleeve clothing, but you are warned that this might not be the case for every clothing item. Some poses, also, will just not work with the fix applied. In these instances you will not be able to use them, but at the same time you may not have to, as the problem with shoulders do not appear in every pose.

I personally prefer CorVas' fix to Dupre & MAB's but that is my personal choice. Like me you can have both of them in your Runtime library.

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