“Feel The Breeze.”
Here is a beautiful dress by Evil Innocence and it's free. It's called the Floral Sundress and it's available for several figures; among them are Aiko V3, Victoria V3 & V4, and the Girl.
I decided to render a scene with this dress. I started by adding in Days of Cider—a complete prepackaged outdoor scene for a nice render. I used the ahEnvironmentLight light set for lighting up the scene.
For the IBL light I changed Irradiance Shadingrate to 512 to ease those calculations but I set the AO Samples to 64. That's it. I used a combination of an IBL light with a distant light as I did with the Tyrannosaurus scene.
The scene took five-hours and thirty-minutes to render a 900 x 900 pixel image. Yikes!
It took me less time to setup the scene. The sundress was a dream to use. I recommend this great Poser freebie. Go get it!