Believe The Legends

“A young adventurous couple with a love of travel in the United States decided to visit another state on the eve of Halloween.”

Well, it's Halloween, 2009, and this is my horror story.

A young adventurous couple with a love of travel in the United States decided to visit another state on the eve of Halloween. They read about a particular haunted house (LukeA's Haunted House Pro) in the northern part of the state which the town's people believe is haunted.

As is the usual case with the young they wanted to prove to the town's people that they were being a bunch of yahoos for believing such nonsense.

They decided to take their gear and head for the haunted house and spend the night.

A local guide took them to the haunted house but went no closer than a quarter mile. He pointed to the house and said his good-night and asked the lord to bless them. “They are going to need it,” he said.

The young couple looked at each other and would have been lying if they said they didn't feel unnerved at those words. They couldn't turn back now after the ruckus they made.

To their surprise the house inside looked a lot better than it did on the outside. After looking around the house for several hours and marveling at the old notes, pictures, and furniture of the previous occupants from back in the 1930s, they started to feel comfortable in the house.

Just before day turned to night they lit the candles they found in the house and added them to the outside door lanterns fixed on each side of the main doors. They then got their lanterns lit.

They settled on sleeping in the living room close to the main doors, just in case. Being the adventurous young couple that they were sex was not out of the question and by 10 P.M. they finally fell asleep.

Sometime after midnight they were awaken by a knock on the door. The young woman thinking it was the wind and being closer to the lantern got up and opened the door to investigate….

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