“The Battlestar Ouroboros cruisng thru deep space.”
Ouroboros is a non-canonical battlestar, a variant of the Galactica class vessel. It was modeled in and for Lightwave by tan.j. I converted it and a few of his other battlestars to DAZ 3D's Carrara.
Carrara is a high-end but cheaper 3D software than Lightwave. You can create amazing images with it.
My inspiration for this one was, what else?, the Battlestar Galactica series. I don't mean just the re-imagined series, but the original one in the 1970s. I grew up with shows like Battlestar Galactica. It was my introduction to science fiction. I had no idea what science fiction was back then. All I knew was that the space ships were cool!
Battlestar Ouroboros v2 is available at Foundation 3D.